Trouver son soleil : 4 outils et conseils pratiques

Finding your sun: 4 tools and practical advice

Since the sunshine weather changes throughout the year, you have to take into consideration the seasons where you think you use your system when you design it. It is according to what we plan to do with his system and the time of year that he will be in office that we will do his calculation to establish the strength of a system and its reserve capacities.

By force of a system, we often mean the number of Watts that the panels will be able to produce. Reserve capacities refer to batteries that act as reservoirs.

To learn plus about the different devices that make up a solar system, we invite you to read this article:The solar Kit from A to Z.

To avoid any eventuality, it is according to the EIRP period of the year that the calculation is made. Here are some tools and tips to help you do the math and find the best way to position your panels:

1. An application to track the sun:

Sun seeker is an application that allows you to follow the sun in the sky and compare its track according to the different seasons directly on its telephone. The application works both online and off the grid, which can be practical if you are far in the drink. This is a good tool to help you position your sign when you are there.


Available on the App Store and on Android.

2. Find solar radiation based on a city or geographical position

The weather Spark site is a Sun seeker-like tool with the difference that it allows you to do your calculations remotely. You just have to enter the geographical points of where you plan to install your system and it will take the weather data out of the place: the hours of clarity, the time of annoyance, and even the solar radiation that allows you to see up to how many kWh you could get from your system for a period x of the year.

The site is free and in French.

Arena of Valor:

3. Find the inclination of the panels according to the latitude

The tool put in place by PVC education is interesting to find the angle to give to its panels. Depending on the latitude of your location, it indicates how to adjust your panels to maximize their energy generation potential.

This is the second board that appears on the site. It also gives you the capacity in energy production that is first and the sunshine time that is at the end.

This tool is also free, but is only available in English.

4. Find the south and other tips to position your system

Once the calculations are made and the equipment is purchased, there are other physical factors to take into account once there are on site such as ensuring that there is nothing that shades to its panels for example. To know other tips to take into account, we advise you to read an article published last springSolar Energy System: Place on your X.

** Some of the tools proposed come from the recommendations of the Terre Chair of the CEGEP de Jonquière. In plus to researching everything around renewable energy, it offers training for anyone who wants to learn about solar systems.

Here is the link to 2 of its future training courses:

Want to do your energy calculation?

Want to have help knowing your energy consumption? You can fill out a form and speak with a member of our technical team who will be pleased to accompany you.

A fee may apply, these may be refundable when buying a solar system on our online store (see details plus stockings) *.

Link to the form:

* The fee for an energy calculation may vary depending on the size of the analysis and the intended location of the system. Starting at $299, the amount can be deducted from your bill if you subsequently proceed with the purchase of a solar system on our online store.

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