Recently, we have put online various emergency battery systems (back up) and solar energy systems for the house.
These allow you to take advantage of Hydro-Québec's net measurement program when it is your supplier. We separated them into two categories: simple and hybrid.
The first allows you to produce energy in order to consume it at house and/or return it to the network.
The second includes batteries that make it possible to take advantage of the net measurement program, but also to act as an emergency system in the cas of a break and to do top-stop shaving in cas of dynamic pricing.
To be able to compare the different options and what they allow to gain in terms of autonomy in the cas of failure and/or credit on your hydroelectricity bill, we have just launched 2 comparative tables (one for each option).
You can access it via the following links:
- Battery back:
- Simple and hybrid net measurement systems:
To learn plus about the different systems on the network, you can consult the following article:
Crucking, dynamic pricing, energy storage: learn plus via the columns of our director, Frédéric Lavoie, who is on the microphone of Radio-Canada Côte-Nord's Boréal 138 program with Nicholas Bergeron:
Chronique Boréal 138-first part:
Chronicle Boréal 138-2nd part: