That's it, it's back, the Éco-leader fund!
Since July 3, companies wishing to carry out an energy production project using photovoltaic solar energy can once again obtain financial assistance from the Éco-leader Fund.
Financial assistance can cover up to 75% of related costs (or up to a maximum amount of $60,000) for carrying out an energy study:
-Installation of solar panels on the roof on a commercial building;
-Calculation of profitability of such a energy production system with the possibility of storage;
-Reduction or even elimination of the use of a generator in a remote environment;
-Autonomous workstation for construction construction site;
-The possibilities are varied.
Grant applications are open until November 30. They must include the submission of an "expert", that is to say a company recognized by the Quebec Action Fund for Sustainable Development. Alt-Énergie summer recognized in 2023 during the last edition of the Éco-leader fund.
To speak with our sales representative certified TERRE (Renewable Energy Technician and Energy Efficiency), Marc-André Gagnon, please make an appointment viaHis date calendar.
To see our expert sheet of the Co-leader Fund (Their website is under reconstruction, some information could be wrong):
The Éco-leader Fund does not only affect solar energy systems. To find out plus, you can visit their website: