Panneaux solaires et neige: connaissez vous l'effet Albedo?

Solar panels and snow: do you know the Albedo effect?

We often wonder if the snow will stay on the signs after a storm. 🤔

The answer is NO according to 2 things:

-If the panels have the right angle✅

-If the panels are well exposed to the sun✅

It only takes a few minutes for the sun to drill through the snow and reach the sign. Once it's gone, the whole sign is activated and warming up. The cast iron is even plus fast with bifacial panels thanks to the effect called Albedo (the reflecting power of the sun's rays). The face that is towards the earth is able to recover the rays reflected by the snow.

It is as if the sign had the self-cleaning function (for snow only, we agree). 😅☃

On the following photo, we can compare the Albedo effect on 2 types of panels: Unifacial (left) still covered with snow and bifacial. The reflection of the snow from the back of the panels allowed them to activate and thus begin to emit heat. Allow signs to free themselves from their blanket of snow.

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