Nouvel outil de sélection de kit préconçus

New pre-designed kit selection tool

What type of solar system corresponds to your profile:

Are you the type that only wants to operate the essential or the fact of having a little lousse makes you secure?

Is your installation facing the South?

If your installation is on a vehicle or a boat, what area will you be in and at what time of year?

In order to simplify the purchase of an off-grid solar system, we have put on foot with the Otonomi Solutions team a pre-designed kit selection tool that happens to be halfway between a calculator and a custom kit form.

This is a platform that takes into account the different physical constraints of the desired system:

- Type d’installation

  • Home,
  • Chalet,
  • VR,
  • Campirvan,
  • Boat,
  • Other

-The type of support as needed

  • On roof
  • On poteau⸱x

-The intended location of the system

For example, your system will be located in northern Quebec, on a camper who will tour the United States

-The season (s) in which he will serve.

And in which we can collect consumption data from our devices:

  • The number of Watts (W) per device
  • The frequency of use
  • The duration
  • Whether the devices will work simultaneously or not.

Everything is then calculated to offer you a series of systems already designed adapted to your needs.

In the cas where no online solution meets the different constraints of your project, you will be invited to join our technical team. The information collected will help us to offer you something quickly.

The technical team remains available at all times if you ever have any questions.

Short of time?

No time to finish, not all the information in hand?

No problem. When starting your questionnaire, a code will be sent to you by email.

This code will allow you to return to your project and complete it as needed.

Also, it will allow our technicians to access it when you make an appointment with them.

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