Les batteries et l’hiver 2.0: Comment entretenir ses batteries

The batteries and Winter 2.0: How to maintain your batteries

A while ago, we released an article on batteries and cold. As we are in the heart of February, we said to each other that it would be time to bring one out! At least to make up for lost time or better prepare for next winter.

So here's our tips for helping your batteries "compass winter":

To maintain its batteries:

A little interview once a year can never do cake!

By maintenance is meant:

  • Clean the terminals of its batteries

Clean terminals will prevent the accumulation of green-gray. The green of gray is the accumulation of dirt that damage your cables in plus to prevent the current from flowing well between your devices.

  • Check the water level

If you have already opened your acid-lead battery, you will have noticed that the lead plates are bathed in a liquid. This is distilled water.

By force of use, it evaporate.

By checking the water level, we therefore make sure that the plates are always well submerged. If this is not the cas, we add distilled water and you are done!

  • Check the density of its batteries

After the level of water, we will check the density of the batteries, their level of acid density using an acid wee.

In cas of plus high density than expected, the addition of distilled water as mentioned plus top should solve the problem.

In cas of plus low density level than expected, it is necessary to investigate a little plus, because 3 reasons can explain the result:

  • The stratification of batteries:

Stratification is caused when the battery is under or no stress, causing water and acid to separate.

By recharging it, its density should return to normal.

  • Sulfation of the batteries:

Despite the time spent being recharged, the battery does not keep its load?

The battery could experience the onset of sulfation. Sulfation is a natural wear of the battery that can be caused early when the acid-lead type batteries are plus 50% of their capacity. Sometimes reversible, sometimes not, to remedy it, you have to charge the battery with the plus low charging current possible.

A smart battery charger could help you prevent this kind of situation or try to remedy it.

Bulk charge, absorb charge, float charge, Are types of charges that can be found on chargers, are types of loads that will also serve as a blog post to be published soon.

The level of water and the density of acidity plus particularly apply to batteries of the acid-lead type, because they are equipped with plugs which allow the maintenance required for this type of technology.

Keeping your batteries busy and active:

If the previous stuff applies a little plus to acid-lead batteries, we can still remember that a full charge or almost a full charge remains one of the plus important elements to consider, regardless of the type of battery.

Second element to consider: movement is life.

Batteries that load and unload at the limits of their capacity *, this is what they have summer designed for.

We can also help them by providing them with a smart charger, which will make sure to maintain tension and prevent them from discharging. Ideal to give a boost to our batteries and optimize their lifespan and even to allow us to start from long periods.

As mentioned plus top, different types of charging exist and the smart charger adapts according to what the batteries need. More details will follow in an upcoming post to be published next week.

For other tips to optimize the life of your batteries, not just in winter, but throughout the year, see the article :VIe and death of a battery: tips and tricks to extend the life of your batteries.

* By capacity, we speak of the ampere/hour discharge that a battery is able to provide, calculated on 20H, which is often used by default.

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