Kits préconçus: Coup de balais, remise à neuf et nouvel arrivage

Predesigned kits: Broom bump, refurbise and new arrival

Already a few weeks ago, the new kit selection tool appeared in the online store. Halfway between a form and a calculator, the platform allows anyone to find a solution adapted to their needs among our catalog of pre-designed kits.

The implementation of this new tool summer an opportunity to clean up the spring among the systems present, it allowed us:

  • To review some kits that were already there by creating 2.0 versions;
  • To remove superfluous;
  • And to add a few to meet a plus broad fan of needs.

Kits in version 2.0

By navigating the catalog, you will see that some kits are nowIn version 2.0.


It is because since their creation, we have continued to evolve in our community and that we have started to use certain brands and certain products plus than others.

These new devices have certain advantages such as making the system a little plus "smart", that is, accessible on its telephone via Bluetooth and even at long distance when the system is connected to a WIFI network.

Bluetooth allows you to see in real time what is happening with your system:

  • The production state of the panels,
  • What goes into the batteries,
  • The direct and past consumption of devices plugted into the system.

Depending on the kit, some devices even allow you to play with system programming.

To learn plus, please refer to the data sheets of the devices in the stockings of each set.

Old kits with a little

To meet the needs of camper owners, VR and boat, we have createdVersionsOf some of the kits that were already there.

These versions have a inverter that makes it possible to create 120V current.

So, in plus to being able to power the bulbs with 12V, you will now have a power bank to recharge cellular, tablets and computers, to operate TV and coffee machine for example.

Fresh kits out

By uploading the new kit selection tool, we realized that we were missing some plus powerful kits with inverter to the level of RV, campers and boats, which gave rise toThe Tomad (660W)For example.

As for the cottages, we added an option in lingerie of 1000W for those who only want to operate the strict minimum.

For those who mean Bye-Bye cooler and feed their lights, we have set upThe Stay (1100W)Which allows 2-3 days to go to the cottage without having any problem.

In plus, we added 2 plus strong options tous the systems we had previously:

  • The Annual (9100W)

The annual is for all those who would like to find the amenities of house at the chalet and who would like to enjoy it all year round. It could even work for someone who would like to live there all year round while monitoring their energy consumption a bit.

  • The All-inclusive (16.36KW)

Here, we find ourselves in front of our plus large standard kits never designed. Would that take plus? No problem, however, your project will pass into the hands of our technical team.

With this system, we wanted to offer chance to people living outside the network to obtain a similar systemTo this couple in Abitibi which made the headlines of the Montreal newspaper.

As the name suggests, everything is included in this system from delivery to installation. A few conditions apply.

In tous cas, to find out if a kit is suitable for your needs, go through the selection tool.

Here is the list of tous the new kits:

In plus from April 20 to May 05, 2023, tous our kits are on promotion to start the season well.

Need help finding the kit you need?

Check out our new selection tool below.

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