Let's get straight to the point first: both the generator and emergency battery systems have their advantages as an emergency (backup) solution.
We say it at the outset, because we noticed that when we talk about backup systems, the subject quickly turns into a debate which pits fans of one against detractors of the other.
For our part, we are not among those who demonize the generator.
On the other hand, we hope to be able to contribute to a reduction in its use by providing information on the possibilities offered by the two solutions.
As we know, the generator provides power in the event of a breakdown, however, a battery system could also make it possible to do peak shaving and reduce the pressure on the network during peak periods.
*For more information, see section Emergency battery directly.
The generator:
We don't think we're wrong in saying that this is the most common solution when thinking about backup systems.
It can be found almost everywhere at different prices.
If you don't know much about mechanics, there is a way to add a transfer switch so that it starts automatically when you need it.
On the other hand, like a car engine, it will require regular maintenance1 and that's without taking into account the noise and fumes it will produce when operating. Additionally, the costs are relatively the same as for an emergency battery system when connected to a backup panel.
Advantages Disadvantages
Affordable to purchase The price of installing a generator with an emergency electrical panel is approximately the same as for a battery system
Produces energy when needed Annual maintenance
Produces energy, as long as there is gasoline Noisy
Possibility of making the start automatic Co2 emanation
on some models
No possibility of storing energy
Not eligible for grant programs
Emergency battery system:
First, a definition:
As the name suggests, an emergency battery system is made up of one or more batteries that make up our energy store. It is its capacity (number of amp hours) which will determine our autonomy depending on the devices that we want to operate in the event of a breakdown.
This battery bank is connected to an inverter which transforms the current and distributes it at the desired time.
It can therefore take over automatically, without the devices feeling the outage, in the event of a breakdown.
A little more about clipping
Above, we also talked about peak shaving. This is because it is possible to program the inverter so that it can take over or simply assist the electrical network when our energy demand exceeds X number of watts.
In the case of dynamic pricing, it would also be possible to program the device so that it takes over at certain times of the day corresponding to peak periods and thus reduce our bill.
Other advantages :
Also, we mentioned that we were not entirely against the generator, because in the event of a prolonged outage, it could give a helping hand to our energy tank and recharge it.
The idea being that instead of running it, say, 8 hours a day, we activate it long enough to recharge the battery and then turn it off. There is also a way to ensure that all this happens automatically, without needing to do anything thanks to programming the inverter.
Finally, like any good tank, there are different ways to fill it:
- By connecting it to the network
- By charging it using a solar energy system
Advantages Disadvantages
Takes over automatically in the event of a breakdown More expensive to purchase
Allows peak shaving Requires the services of an electrician for the installation of an automatic system connected to the house's electrical panel
Can be connected to different types of charger: 120V socket,
generator, solar panels
Eligible for different grants
Maintenance free
To find out more about the different backup options, we invite you to read the article which presents all the possible options:
If you would like to compare the autonomy between the different emergency battery systems, we have posted a comparison table online which you can find here:
Likewise if you are interested in a system that allows you to produce and store energy:
Source :
Buying Guide: How to Choose a Portable Generator. (s. d.). Protégez-Vous. https://www.protegez-vous.ca/habitation/generatrices-portatives/guide-d-achat-comment-choisir-une-generatrice-portative