With the first drops, the time comes to winter the chalet for some or to put the camper away for others. To avoid unpleasant surprises in the spring, here are some things to check before unplugging everything (if necessary) and a reminder of the unplugging order to respect (if this is your first time and you are not sure).
Do we unplug or not?
That's THE question!
For a vehicle that is stored and that you plug into a network, no need to unplug.
Rather, it is for vehicles or for installations that do not have access to the network (off-grid) that we advise to unplug the batteries, because it is always possible that a little energy will be lost. It is when a battery is discharged at a temperature lingerie 0 that there is a risk that it will be damaged.
For systems including a protection system such as a circuit breaker, or a “breaker” in good French, there is no need to unplug. You just have to think about activating the device to ensure that the contact is properly closed.
There are also devices called "Battery disconnect" that can be placed on its system. This is a accessories that we program so that it cuts off the power to its system when the batteries reach a point X of their loads.

What to check before unpluging?
This is really the state of charge of the battery, because it is when a battery is discharged that there is a risk that it will damage itself when the temperature is below freezing.
For acid-lead batteries, it is good advice to check the water level and acid density of the batteries before unpluging them. The level of water is checked by the eye by unscrewing the plugs of the battery, while the density is verified using an acid weave. Up to a quarter (1/4) of an inch of water should be found above the lead plates. If the water level or density are too stockings, be sure to add distilled water, this will make it possible to lengthen the life of the device and reach its full load capacity. Make sure you put it back on the load then for which to reach its full potential.
Another trick to help the batteries is to store them in a temperate place that will prevent them from freezing if an unforeseen happens.
What to unplug first?
Here is the disconnection order to be respected:
- Close and unplug tous the electronic devices that the system power: inverter, DC consumers, lighting, etc.
- Unplug the regulator's panel (s).
- Displug the batteries (s) from the regulator.
In tous cas, please make sure to unplug your panels from your regulatorBeforeYour batteries, because otherwise you risk damaging your device in a wayPERMANENTE.
You can see below the products for batteries maintenance (distilled water, acid pear, charger)