The regulator is the device of the system whose task is a little obscure and that you shop quickly.
Unknown, it is however not to be neglected. This is the accessory that allows you to get all the power out of the panels and fully recharge the batteries.
Any good solar seller will guide you to a device based on 2 technical factors:
The power of the panels of a system
The tension of the batteries bench that accompanies it
On the other hand, we advise you to pay special attention to the type of regulator you have in your hands and the options that it has.
First of all, it is necessary to know that there are 2 types of regulators:
-The DWM
The Pulse-Width modulation (Pulse-Width) is what might be called a basic device that makes it possible to control the current transmitted from the panels to the batteries bench. It relays the current of the panels to the battery. Without plus.
The MPPT (Maximum power-tracker point) does the same thing, but with plus efficiency.
As the name suggests, the device targets the maximum power point of the sign and adjusts constantly in order to get the possible plus of energy to batteries them. When we say that it adjusts, it is because the regulator reacts to the temperature to draw the power plus whether the sky is clear or not and the state of charge of the battery. It's kind of like an older generation vs. next-generation basic battery charger. One will follow the state of charge while the other will not.
* Contrary to what one might think, solar panels, just like batteries, work very well in a cold environment. In fact, it is mainly extreme heat that can affect the performance of these devices.
For those who would like to know plus about the panels and how they can react to the winter,Consult our article on solar panels.
A plus for the battery
In plus to get the best out of your panels. A good regulator allows you to lengthen the life of your batteries. Some devices allow you to recharge batteries that are completely flat, as is the cas of Vicron's SmartSolar range for example.
Others also make it possible to “repair” the batteries by ensuring that there is always a charge, which can prevent their early sulfation. Please check our product data sheet for plus information.
Options to consider
If you are the gadget type, some regulators allow you to have local access to your system via Bluetooth and even remotely via an internet connection. To learn plus,Read our article on remote reading devices.
Also, other regulators, like those of Midnite, adjust themselves to different types of voltage, which can be practical when you plan to equip yourself and expand your system over time.
If you have any questions about the regulator to use or your system, please write to us A member of our technical team will be able to respond and guide you in your purchases.