Consumers silencer, it almost looks like the title of a horror film (or maybe it's me who has the imagination too overflowing).
In the team, we qualify as consumers silencer these devices that we use as much at house as at the chalet or in VR and who consume a lot of energy without really realizing it as:
Electric bulbs;
The refrigerator;
The television;
Heating elements,
These are tous devices that can be energy-efficient if you are not careful. Here are tips or alternatives tailored for solar and house to be less afraid of counter at the end of the month:
Tips and alternatives
1. Electric light bulbs
For bulbs, we suggest that you compass the LED if you have not already done so. For a fraction of the consumption (W) you will get a nice net lighting. As a bonus, we now find the 2 two tones: cold white and warm white.
2. Refrigerator, television and other electrical appliances:
Of course, we can reuse the one that trains in the basement or that we found cheap on Marketplace, we must however be careful about the consumption (W) of these devices.
A quick glance at its technical sheet makes it possible to see if it is plus advantageous to change for a new device or to adapt its system so that it meets its requests.
The trick is always to calculate the consumption of the device according to the duration and frequency of use (long, but not often
In the cas of refrigerations, there are even some that work on the 12V, designed on purpose for off-network systems.
You can see our available modelsHere.
3. The Chargers:
How convenient to be able to recharge your telephone or tablet at the chalet or on the road! You just have to be taken care not to leave your devices on the charge when they are full.
Indeed, the charger will continue to recharge them as long as they are loaded. Some even advise to unplug them when they are not used to prevent them from taking a small unnecessary charge when not used.
4. Internet decoders and routers
Decoder, recorder: all these devices that allow you to listen to the TV, as well as internet routers (on thread or WIFI) are also electronic devices that consume constantly.
For chance, they are low in energy. This is why we advise you to simply unplug them when you are not using them. In this way, you avoid having to enlarge your system unnecessarily.
5. Search ENERGY STAR certification
We ended up with what might seem the plus obvious to many: the Energy Star certification. This is a seal that certifies that the device meets several energy criteria that make it effective. Whether the device is new or second-hand, if you find the logo there, it consumes less energy than other similar models.
What to check
It is certain that at the chalet or camper, there is often a risk of offering a second life to devices that we did plus use or almost. Before doing so, it is good advice to check the power consumption of the wattage (W) of the devices to be sure that they will not pull the juice tous the batteries in a short period of use.
Council:If your system has not yet been set up and you plan to use your old fridge, you can take note of its consumption and see if it is interesting to do so or to recycle it and buy a new one suitable for 12V. In this way, you will avoid unpleasant surprises and overfees if necessary.
For help with the design of your system, you can fill out a form for a tailor-made system (fees may apply):